(1) University Academic Staffing Committee (UASC) considers and recommends on applications for academic promotion to Levels D and E and other academic staffing matters in accordance with the Promotion, Probation and Career Planning, Development and Performance Expectations for Academic Staff Policy. (2) University Academic Staffing Committee is a management committee accountable to the Vice-Chancellor and President. (3) University Academic Staffing Committee (UASC) undertakes the following responsibilities: (4) Membership categories: (5) The composition of the University Academic Staffing Committee should ensure a balance of expertise across the academic domains and provides for gender balance. The Chair may co-opt additional membership if required. (6) In order to maintain continuity and experience in nominated member categories, the members nominated should include at least two who have previously served on the committee. (7) Members of the committee are not eligible to apply for promotion during their tenure on the committee. (8) Members of the committee are not eligible to act as a referee for any applicant whilst a member of the committee. (9) On the request of any applicant or Committee member, the Vice-President (People) and Chief People Officer and the Director, Equity, and/or their nominee, may attend any meeting of the University Academic Staffing Committee to receive and review all relevant documentation, to observe the process and advise the Chair on University promotion procedures. Any such attendance is recorded in the Committee’s record of proceedings. (10) University Academic Staffing Committee meets annually for the purposes of promotion and as required for other decision making or advice in alignment with the procedures and relevant promotion timelines. (11) University Academic Staffing Committee operates in accordance with Council Procedure 1 - Committee Operations. (12) The University Academic Staffing Committee may delegate specific processes to Faculty Academic Staffing Committees as approved by the Chair. (13) The Vice-President (People) and Chief People Officer or nominee is secretary.University Academic Staffing Committee Charter
Section 1 - Purpose
Section 2 - Accountability
Section 3 - Responsibilities
Top of PageSection 4 - Membership
Section 5 - Attendance
Section 6 - Meeting Frequency
Section 7 - Procedures
Section 8 - Secretariat
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