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University Learning and Teaching Committee Charter

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Section 1 - Purpose

(1) University Learning and Teaching Committee addresses three broad areas of policy relating to: learning and teaching, courses and curriculum (including issues of quality); and academic entitlements of individual students undertaking coursework programs, in the areas of admission, enrolment, exemption, assessment, discipline, progression and exclusion, reviews and appeals and graduation.

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Section 2 - Accountability

(2) University Learning and Teaching Committee is a governance committee accountable to University Academic Board.

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Section 3 - Responsibilities

(3) University Learning and Teaching Committee undertakes the following responsibilities:

  1.  Learning and teaching:
    1. recommends to University Academic Board policy and procedures on learning and teaching.
    2. advises University Academic Board on the learning and teaching components of the institutional plans.
    3. advises University Academic Board on trends and developments in teaching, teaching technology, learning and assessment and recommends changes to reflect best practice.
    4. promotes high quality and innovative teaching within the University through policy development and learning and teaching related grants and awards. In particular the Committee:
      1. advises University Academic Board on teaching-related aspects of staff recruitment, development and evaluation;
      2. maintains oversight and makes recommendations relating to strategy for internal and external grants to support learning and teaching in the University;
      3. maintains oversight and makes recommendations relating to strategy for QUT nominations for national teaching awards.
  2. Student academic entitlements:
    1. recommends to University Academic Board policy and procedures relating to the academic entitlements of individual students undertaking coursework programs, in the areas of admission, enrolment, exemption, assessment, discipline, progression and exclusion, reviews and appeals and graduation.
  3. Courses and curriculum:
    1. reports to University Academic Board on trends and developments relating to course provision, and issues of curriculum enhancement. This may include strategic reviews of courses to provide analyses of curriculum related issues.
  4. Quality Assurance
    1. University Learning and Teaching Committee has a particular role in quality assurance in teaching, courses and curriculum and maintenance of academic standards for coursework programs and students. In particular, the Committee:
      1. monitors and advises University Academic Board on national and local quality assurance developments in relation to educational programs and learning and teaching.
      2. provides advice to faculties on good practice quality assurance processes in relation to courses and learning and teaching.
      3. provides comment to University Academic Board on course quality assurance through consideration of reports generated through the University's course quality assurance cycle process.
      4. provides advice to University Academic Board on academic standards and quality assurance applicable to student academic entitlements.
      5. approves curriculum developments and discontinuations for centrally operated non-research awards in accordance with Curriculum Approval and Course Review Policy.
      6. approves curriculum developments and discontinuations for QUT You and centrally operated non-research awards in accordance with policy for Curriculum Approval and Course Review Policy.
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Section 4 - Membership

(4) Membership categories:

  1. Head of Education Portfolio ex officio as Chair;
  2. Vice-President (Administration) and University Registrar ex officio;
  3. Vice-President (Digital) and Chief Digital Officer or nominee;
  4. Pro Vice-Chancellor (Learning and Teaching) ex officio;
  5. Vice-President (People) and Chief People Officer ex officio;
  6. Director, Curriculum Quality and Academic Integrity ex officio;
  7. Director, Oodgeroo Unit ex officio;
  8. Director, Learning Innovation and Design ex officio;
  9. Director, Student Success and Teaching Advancement ex officio;
  10. Executive Director, QUT College or nominee;
  11. Associate Dean (Learning and Teaching) for each faculty ex officio;
  12. Two academic staff members nominated by and from University Academic Board;
  13. One member nominated by the Chair of University Learning and Teaching Committee, from persons external to the university or sessional academic staff of the university;
  14. Two undergraduate students nominated by the Chair of University Learning and Teaching Committee after receiving expressions of interest;
  15. Two postgraduate coursework students nominated by the Chair of University Learning and Teaching Committee after receiving expressions of interest.

(5) Nominated members of the Committee serve a term of office of up to two years. The length of a nominated member’s term of office is recommended to the nominator by the Chair, on advice from the Secretariat.

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Section 5 - Meeting Frequency

(6) University Learning and Teaching Committee normally meets five times per year in the cycle of meetings leading up to Council meetings.

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Section 6 - Reporting and Communication

(7) Following each meeting, University Learning and Teaching Committee reports to the next meeting of University Academic Board.

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Section 7 - Procedures

(8) University Learning and Teaching Committee is established in accordance with the Committee Governance Policy (Section 5) and operates in accordance with Council Procedure 1 - Committee Operations.

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Section 8 - Secretariat

(9) A nominee of the Vice-President (Administration) and University Registrar is secretary.