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University Research Committee Charter

This is the current version of this document. To view historic versions, click the link in the document's navigation bar.

Section 1 - Purpose

(1) University Research Committee addresses three broad academic areas - academic governance, strategy and policy relating to research, commercialisation and higher degree research training (including issues of quality).

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Section 2 - Accountability

(2) University Research Committee is a governance committee accountable to University Academic Board.

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Section 3 - Responsibilities

(3) University Research Committee undertakes the following responsibilities:

  1. Academic governance, research Strategy and policy:
    1. informs the governance, development and implementation of the University's research strategy, training and commercialisation priorities and monitors research performance;
    2. recommends to University Academic Board policies and procedures underpinning the University's research agenda, including commercialisation, research ethics and integrity, research infrastructure, research structures and internationalisation;
    3. provides advice on mechanisms to review and improve research performance and capacity building, especially in relation to early career researchers and mid-career researchers;
    4. provides oversight for the University's Research Budget framework;
    5. promotes and monitors research ethics policy and procedures, including the QUT Code for Responsible Conduct of Research.
  2. Commercialisation:
    1. provides recommendations and advice to Finance and Planning Committee regarding research, finance and commercialisation matters;
    2. promotes high quality research and the commercialisation of research outcomes.
  3. Higher Degree Research Training and Quality:
    1. recommends to University Academic Board policies and procedures relating to higher degree research training and supervision in the University;
    2. supports, monitors and endorses the activities of its sub-committee (Research Degrees Committee);
    3. approves curriculum developments and discontinuations for centrally operated higher degree research awards in accordance with the Curriculum Approval and Course Review Policy;
    4. develops, promotes and monitors the University's higher research degree policies and practices;
    5. monitors and advises University Academic Board on national and local quality assurance development in relation to higher degree research training.
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Section 4 - Delegations

(4) University Research Committee has one sub-committee (Research Degrees Committee). University Research Committee may delegate any of its functions, other than those delegated to it by Council, to Research Degrees Committee, particularly matters of an operational nature.

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Section 5 - Membership

(5) Membership categories:

  1. Head of Research Portfolio ex officio as Chair;
  2. Pro Vice-Chancellor (Research Infrastructure) ex officio;
  3. Pro Vice-Chancellor (Research) ex officio;
  4. Pro Vice-Chancellor (Research Career Advancement) ex officio;
  5. Executive Director, Office of Research Services ex officio;
  6. Director, Office of Research Ethics and Integrity ex officio;
  7. Director, Research Policy and Strategy ex officio;
  8. Chief Commercialisation and Development Officer ex officio;
  9. Chair, Research Degrees Committee ex officio;
  10. Associate Dean (Research) from each faculty ex officio;
  11. Two nominees of the Head of Research Portfolio who are early career researchers who have an emerging record of excellence in research, relative to opportunity, taking into account discipline balance and equity considerations;
  12. One nominee of the Head of Research Portfolio with expertise in scholarly communication, who is able to contribute to strategic thinking and policy development for research within the University;
  13. One nominee of the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Indigenous Australians) with expertise in Indigenous research, who is able to contribute to strategic thinking and policy development for Indigenous research within the University;
  14. One professor nominated by the Head of Research Portfolio, who may be a representative of a Research Centre, with suitable expertise relevant to the business and disciplinary representation of the committee.

(6) Nominated members of the Committee serve a term of office of up to two years. The length of a nominated member’s term of office is recommended to the nominator by the Chair, on advice from the Secretariat.

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Section 6 - Meeting frequency

(7) Terms of office are as detailed in section 6 of Council Procedure 1 - Committee Operations.

(8) University Research Committee normally meets in the cycle of meetings leading up to Council meetings.

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Section 7 - Reporting and communication

(9) Following each meeting, University Research Committee reports to the next meeting of University Academic Board.

(10) University Research Committee also reports to Finance and Planning Committee in relation to commercialisation issues within that Committee's financial resources oversight.

(11) University Research Committee receives reports and recommendations from Research Degrees Committee on a regular basis.

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Section 8 - Procedures

(12) University Research Committee is established in accordance with the University Committee Governance Policy (Section 5) and operates in accordance with and Council Procedure 1 - Committee Operations.

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Section 9 - Secretariat

(13) A nominee of the Vice-President (Administration) and University Registrar is Secretary.