(1) Finance and Planning Committee's role is to oversee management of the University’s financial and other resources, and to monitor the University’s performance in achieving strategic and corporate priorities. Finance and Planning Committee advises Council on the University’s financial affairs, investments, physical and virtual infrastructure, and financial performance. (2) Finance and Planning Committee is a governance committee accountable to QUT Council. (3) Finance and Planning Committee undertakes the following responsibilities: (4) Finance and Planning Committee has delegated responsibility from Council to approve the University’s financial planning framework. (5) Refer to Register of Authorities and Delegations (C061) (QUT staff access only). (6) Membership categories: (7) The external members are selected to address expertise relevant to the business of the committee including: (8) At least one of the external members of the committee must have formal professional qualifications in accounting. (9) Nominated members of the Committee serve a term of office of up to two years. The length of a nominated member’s term of office is recommended to the nominator by the Chair, on advice from the Secretariat. (10) The Vice-President (Finance) and Chief Financial Officer is the committee executive sponsor, and the following officers are attendees: (11) Finance and Planning Committee meets at least six times per year, in each committee meeting cycle leading up to QUT Council. (12) Following each meeting, Finance and Planning Committee reports to the next meeting of QUT Council. (13) Finance and Planning Committee is established in accordance with the Committee Governance Policy (Section 5) and operates in operates in accordance with Council Procedure 1 - Committee Operations. (14) A nominee of the Vice-President (Administration) and University Registrar is secretary.Finance and Planning Committee Charter
Section 1 - Purpose
Section 2 - Accountability
Section 3 - Responsibilities
Top of Page
Section 4 - Delegations
Section 5 - Membership
Section 6 - Attendance
Top of PageSection 7 - Meeting Frequency
Section 8 - Reporting and Communication
Section 9 - Procedures
Section 10 - Secretariat
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