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University Academic Board Charter

This is the current version of this document. To view historic versions, click the link in the document's navigation bar.

Section 1 - Purpose

(1) University Academic Board is responsible for oversight of academic governance at the University, in particular, for ensuring the effective development, implementation and review of academic programs and policies and the maintenance of academic standards.

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Section 2 - Accountability

(2) University Academic Board is the University’s academic governance committee accountable to Council.

(3) This charter assists the University by providing an overarching framework related to academic governance as required in the TEQSA Threshold Standards mandated in the Higher Education Standards Framework (Threshold Standards) 2021 made under section 58(1) of the Tertiary Education Quality and Standards Agency Act 2011.  Specifically, it assists satisfy the provision of Standards within Domain 6 - Governance and Accountability, specifically Standards under 6.3 – Academic Governance.  It is also related to other Standards that support to fulfill the academic governance responsibilities such as Standards 6.1 - Corporate Governance and 6.2 – Corporate Monitoring and Accountability,  Standards under Domain 3 - Teaching, Domain 4 – Research and Research Training and Domain 5 - Institutional Quality Assurance, and Standards 2.1 – Facilities and Infrastructure, 2.2 – Diversity and Equity, 2.3 - Wellbeing and Safety, 7.2 – Information for Prospective and Current Students and 7.3 – Information Management.

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Section 3 - Responsibilities

(4) University Academic Board undertakes the following responsibilities:

  1. advises Council and recommends where appropriate on the academic strategic directions and plans of the University as they relate to education and research;
  2. approves, accredits and re-accredits, on delegated authority of Council, all new course developments and significant changes to existing courses;
  3. monitors academic integrity and academic standards, and oversees the quality assurance arrangements for all academic activities, and reports to Council on these matters at least annually;
  4. approves, on delegated authority of Council, academic and research policy and procedures;
  5. confers academic awards, on delegated authority of Council.
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Section 4 - Delegations

(5) The University Academic Board has delegated responsibility from Council to approve academic and research policy, matters relating to courses and course requirements, determining graduation and the conferral of awards and  the QUT Code for Responsible Conduct of Research. The Register of Authorities and Delegations details these delegations.

(6) The Board may delegate any of its functions, other than those delegated to it by Council, to its standing committees , particularly matters of an operational nature.

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Section 5 - Membership

(7) Membership categories:

  1. Member of the professoriate appointed by Council as Chair;
  2. Vice-Chancellor and President ex officio;
  3. Senior Deputy Vice-Chancellor and Vice-President (Research) ex officio;
  4. Deputy Vice-Chancellor and Vice-President (Academic) ex officio;
  5. Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Indigenous Australians) ex officio;
  6. Vice-President (Administration) and University Registrar ex officio;
  7. Executive Deans of faculty ex officio;
  8. Executive Director, QUT College ex officio;
  9. Pro Vice-Chancellor (Learning and Teaching) ex officio;
  10. Pro Vice-Chancellor (Research Infrastructure) ex officio;
  11. Pro Vice-Chancellor (Entrepreneurship and Regional Innovation) ex officio;
  12. Pro Vice-Chancellor (Academic Programs and Partnerships) ex officio;
  13. Pro Vice-Chancellor (Research) ex officio;
  14. Director, Curriculum Quality and Academic Integrity ex officio;
  15. University Librarian ex officio;
  16. Chair, Appeals Committee ex officio;
  17. One Head of School, Faculty of Business and Law nominated by the Executive Dean of faculty;
  18. One Head of School, Faculty of Health nominated by the Executive Dean of faculty;
  19. One Head of School, Faculty of Science nominated by the Executive Dean of faculty;
  20. One Head of School, Faculty of Engineering nominated by the Executive Dean of faculty;
  21. One Head of School, Faculty of Creative Industries, Education and Social Justice nominated by the Executive Dean of faculty;
  22. Chancellor or Council member nominated by Chancellor;
  23. One Council member nominated by Council;
  24. Two academic staff members from the professoriate of each faculty (Level D and E), elected by and from academic staff of each faculty;
  25. One academic staff member from the non-professoriate of each faculty (Level A – C), elected by and from academic staff of each faculty;
  26. One early career academic (<5 years post PhD) staff member from the non-professoriate of each Faculty (Level A – C), elected by and from academic staff of each faculty;
  27. Five faculty academic staff members elected by and from academic staff of the faculties, with no more than two elected from any one faculty;
  28. Two professional staff engaged in learning and teaching, research activities, elected by and from professional staff across all Divisions and Faculties;
  29. One Indigenous Australian academic staff member elected by Indigenous Australian academic staff members;
  30. Two postgraduate students, nominated by the Head of Research Portfolio following consultation with executive deans;
  31. Three students, including two undergraduate students, nominated by QUT Student Guild Council;
  32. Three undergraduate students, including at least one international student, nominated by the Chair after receiving expressions of interest.


(8) The Chair is appointed via the process outlined in Council Procedure 5 - Appointment of the Chair of University Academic Board. The term of office for the Chair is four years.

Deputy Chair

(9) The Deputy Chair will be elected from current elected faculty academic staff who are members of both the professoriate and the University Academic Board. The Deputy Chair is elected in accordance with Council Procedure 7 - Conduct of Elections. The term of office for the Deputy Chair is up to three years.

Other Members

(10) Elected members term of office is determined by Council Procedure 1 - Committee Operations, clause (25).

(11) Nominated members of the Committee serve a term of office of up to two years. The length of a nominated member’s term of office is recommended to the nominator by the Chair, on advice from the Secretariat.

(12) Consistent with Council Procedure 1 - Committee Operations, clause (41), Heads of School nominated by Executive Deans must take account of the expertise of particular members, gender balance, and diversity of the membership of the committee. Executive Deans are required to collectively discuss the proposed nominations with the Provost/Senior Deputy Vice-Chancellor.

(13) Student members, including those nominated by the QUT Student Guild, must also take account of the expertise, gender balance, and diversity of the membership of the committee.

Advisory Group

(14) The University Academic Board Advisory Group provides oversight and strategic advice regarding agenda items and the annual work plan of the Committee and assists by providing support to the Chair as required with other functions.

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Section 6 - Meeting Frequency

(15) University Academic Board meets at least five times per year, in each committee meeting cycle leading up to QUT Council.

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Section 7 - Reporting and Communication

(16) Following each meeting, University Academic Board reports to the next meeting of Council.

(17) Faculty academic boards report to University Academic Board, which also has standing committees addressing appeals, learning and teaching, curriculum, and research.

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Section 8 - Procedures

(18) University Academic Board is established in accordance with the Committee Governance Policy (Section 5) and operates in accordance with Council Procedure 1 - Committee Operations.

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Section 9 - Secretariat

(19) A nominee of the Vice-President (Administration) and University Registrar is secretary.