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University Health, Safety and Environment Committee Charter

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Section 1 - Purpose

(1) University Health, Safety and Environment Committee provides advice and recommends to the Vice-Chancellor and President on health, safety and environment strategic priorities, consistent with the University's vision and values on health, safety and the protection of the environment.

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Section 2 - Accountability

(2) University Health, Safety and Environment Committee is a management committee accountable to the Vice-Chancellor and President.

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Section 3 - Responsibilities

(3) University Health, Safety and Environment Committee undertakes the following responsibilities:

  1. monitors and reviews the implementation of health, safety and environment strategies across the University, and makes recommendations on the management of health, safety and environment activities and risks through the adoption of a coordinated and systematic approach.
  2. implements the integrated Health, Safety and Environment Management System ensuring an environmental focus facilitates information sharing across the University about health, safety and environment initiatives, practices and risks.
  3. makes recommendations to the Vice-Chancellor and President on policies, procedures and programs to improve health, safety and environmental protection culture, leadership and management across the University.
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Section 4 - Membership

(4) Membership categories:

  1. Vice-President (Administration) and University Registrar or nominee as Chair;
  2. Director, Health Safety and Environment ex officio;
  3. At least one external person with leadership experience in organisations with strong health and safety culture and practices nominated by University Health, Safety and Environment Committee;
  4. Two executive deans nominated by the Provost/Senior Deputy Vice-Chancellor;
  5. One Chair of a local health and safety committee nominated by the Vice-President (Administration) and University Registrar;
  6. Head of Education Portfolio or nominee;
  7. Director, Facilities Management ex officio;
  8. Director, QUT Governance or nominee;
  9. Chair, University Biosafety Committee ex officio;
  10. One senior leader from a research centre, nominated by Head of Research Portfolio;
  11. One enrolled student nominated by the QUT Student Guild.

(5) Nominated members of the Committee serve a term of office of up to two years. The length of a nominated member’s term of office is recommended to the nominator by the Chair, on advice from the Secretariat.

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Section 5 - Attendance

(6) The committee will from time to time invite expert advisors to attend and speak on matters within their area of expertise and can co-opt members in line with Council Procedure 1 - Committee Operations. The Vice-Chancellor and President will attend at least one meeting per year to discuss strategic health, safety and environment priorities for the University and other health, safety and environment issues of strategic importance.

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Section 6 - Meeting Frequency

(7) University Health, Safety and Environment Committee meets at least five times per year or as required.

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Section 7 - Reporting and Communication

(8) University Health, Safety and Environment Committee reports to:

  1. the Vice-Chancellor and President annually;
  2. Executive Leadership Team, through the Chair and Risk and Audit Committee following each meeting;
  3. local health, safety and environment committees within faculties, institutes and divisions as required.
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Section 8 - Procedures

(9) University Health, Safety and Environment Committee operates in accordance with the Committee Governance Policy and Council Procedure 1 - Committee Operations.

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Section 9 - Secretariat

(10) A nominee of the Vice-President (Administration) and University Registrar is secretary, on recommendation of the Director, Health Safety and Environment.