Status and Details

University Academic Staffing Committee Charter

Show Field Notes
Status Current
Effective Date 13th March 2023
Review Date 30th November 2025
Approval Authority Vice-Chancellor and President
Approval Date 13th March 2023
Expiry Date To Be Advised
Responsible Officer Gillian Bromley
Vice-President (People) and Chief People Officer
Enquiries Contact Gillian Bromley
Vice-President (People) and Chief People Officer

Administrative Division

Summary of Changes from Previous Version

QUT implemented a new committee charter system (database with web interface) in December 2023. This is the first version of this document published in the new Manual of Policies and Procedures application. The document has been migrated and reformatted to enable publication but is reflective of the approved and current version that was in effect at the time of implementation. Please contact if you require an earlier version.

Modification History


14.03.23-All-Vice-President (People) and Chief People Officer-Periodic review – policy revised to reflect change to the industrial instruments – effective 31.03.2023.

26.07.22-All-Vice-Chancellor and President-Revised to update position title from Executive Director, Human Resources to Vice-President (People) and Chief People Officer.

17.05.22-All-Executive Director, Human Resources and Director, Human Resources - Centres of Expertise-Revised charter and new responsibility to include a sub-committee for Level E positions for probation goal setting and confirmation.

24.03.22-B/9.5.3-Director, Human Resources - Centres of Expertise-Administrative update following review of promotion process.

18.03.22-B/9.5.3-Executive Director, Human Resources (Acting) - D22/36119-Administrative update to align with revised Human Resources delegations.

10.03.21-B/9.5.3, B/9.5.4, B/9.5.5-Executive Director, Human Resources-Revised charter/administrative amendments following review of 2020 academic promotions process.

23.12.19-All-Vice-Chancellor and President-New committee established to align with new policy B/9.4 Academic performance, promotion and probation for academic staff - content incorporated from University Promotions Committee charter, formerly B/5.5.