(1) The role of the University Recognition Committee is to oversee QUT’s staff awards program, the Vice-Chancellor’s Awards for Excellence and to recommend award recipients to the Vice-Chancellor and President in accordance with the Vice-Chancellor's Awards for Excellence Policy. (2) The University Recognition Committee is a management committee accountable to the Vice-Chancellor and President for fulfilling its responsibilities. (3) The University Recognition Committee undertakes the following responsibilities: (4) The University Recognition Committee recommends award recipients to the Vice-Chancellor and President to approve Vice-Chancellor’s Awards for Excellence (refer to Register of Authorities and Delegations, delegation VC100). (5) Membership categories: (6) University Recognition Committee meets annually, or as needed. (7) University Recognition Committee operates in accordance with Council Procedure 1 - Committee Operations. (8) A nominee of the Vice-President (Administration) and University Registrar is secretary, on recommendation of the Vice-President (People) and Chief People Officer.University Recognition Committee Charter
Section 1 - Purpose
Section 2 - Accountability
Section 3 - Responsibilities
Top of PageSection 4 - Delegations
Section 5 - Membership
Top of Page
Section 6 - Meeting frequency
Section 7 - Procedures
Section 8 - Secretariat
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