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Advancement Committee Charter

This is the current version of this document. To view historic versions, click the link in the document's navigation bar.

Section 1 - Purpose

(1) The Advancement Committee provides strategic advice to assist the University to oversee and administer philanthropic funds donated to QUT. The Committee also provides advice on high level and strategic award nominations.

(2) The Committee ensures that the acceptance and use of any gift, bequest or pledge (“gift”) is appropriate and lawful, considers donor recognition policy and procedures, supports the objectives of existing endowment funds and advisory groups associated with philanthropy programs, and oversees the University’s stewardship of endowments.

(3) The focus of the Committee will be on endowments and gifts of $250,000 and above.

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Section 2 - Accountability

(4) The Advancement Committee is a management committee accountable to the Vice-Chancellor and President.

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Section 3 - Responsibilities

(5) The Advancement Committee undertakes the following functions and responsibilities:

  1. Oversight of the philanthropic framework:
    1. oversees University philanthropy practices and policies, ensuring compliance with the wishes of donors and with legal or government policy requirements (including provisions under the Commonwealth Foreign Influence Transparency Scheme legislation and QUT’s University Foreign Interference Guidelines);
    2. reports annually, or as required, to the Vice-Chancellor and President on the management of philanthropic endowments at the University.
  2. Gift acceptance:
    1. provides advice to the Vice-Chancellor and President on an appropriate gift acceptance and review framework that aligns with the University’s objectives, including for donations of art;
    2. provides advice to the Vice-Chancellor and President on donor recognition opportunities, including naming options for facilities, programs and scholarships;
    3. upon referral from the Deputy Vice-Chancellor International and Vice-President Business Development or from the Executive Director, Advancement, reviews any proposed gift where there may be conflict with the University’s objectives and/or social responsibilities, taking into account all available information and the best interest of the University, and makes a recommendation whether to accept or decline the gift in question;
    4. reviews any concern raised about a gift that has already been accepted by the University and decides whether it is appropriate to retain, return or repurpose the existing gift;
    5. provides advice to the Vice-Chancellor and President on proposals for the establishment of any new endowments or international foundations where risks or other factors such as legal or policy requirements may need to be considered.
  3. Gift management:
    1. considers any matters referred by the Vice-Chancellor and President relating to gifts and provide advice to the Vice-Chancellor and President as required;
    2. provides advice on any proposed changes or amendments to purposes of gift management plans, and any matters relating to bequest and donor management.
  4. Award nominations:
    1. Advancement Committee considers and advises on proposals for nominations for the following high profile public awards:
      1. Order of Australia;
      2. Australian of the Year;
      3. Queensland Greats;
      4. Queensland Community Foundation – Philanthropist of the Year Awards.
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Section 4 - Membership

(6) Membership categories:

  1. Provost/Senior Deputy Vice-Chancellor or nominee as Chair;
  2. One Deputy Vice-Chancellor or Vice-President nominated by the Vice-Chancellor and President;
  3. Two external members with relevant expertise in fundraising and/or philanthropy nominated by the Vice-Chancellor and President;
  4. An executive dean of a faculty nominated by the Vice-Chancellor and President, with representation on a rotational basis alternating between faculties;
  5. One executive director nominated by the Vice-Chancellor and President;
  6. The Deputy Vice-Chancellor International and Vice-President Business Development and the Executive Director, Advancement, is an attendee, as defined in clause 36 of Council Procedure 1 - Committee Operations, and is able to listen and contribute to discussion but not eligible to vote.

(7) Nominated members of the Committee serve a term of office of up to two years. The length of a nominated member’s term of office is recommended to the nominator by the Chair, on advice from the Secretariat.

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Section 5 - Meeting Frequency

(8) The Advancement Committee meets at least two times a year or as required.

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Section 6 - Reporting

(9) The Advancement Committee will provide a written report on the outcomes of each meeting to the Vice-Chancellor and President.

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Section 7 - Procedures

(10) The Advancement Committee operates in accordance with the University Committee Governance Policy and Council Procedure 1 - Committee Operations.

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Section 8 - Secretariat

(11) A nominee of the Vice-President (Administration) and University Registrar is secretary, on recommendation of the Deputy Vice-Chancellor International and Vice-President Business Development.