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Section 1 - Purpose
(1) Faculty Academic Boards are responsible for strategic academic matters specific to their faculty, including oversight of academic standards and risks, teaching, research and engagement.
Top of PageSection 2 - Accountability
(2) Faculty Academic Boards are governance committees accountable to University Academic Board.
Top of PageSection 3 - Responsibilities
(3) Faculty Academic Boards are responsible for the following:
- Strategy, performance, quality and risk:
- endorses the faculty strategic plan consistent with the University's strategic planning framework and monitors performance on academic matters against the endorsed plan;
- monitors academic risks impacting on the faculty's learning and teaching and research activities;
- ensures principles of diversity and inclusion are embedded within academic frameworks consistent with the faculty strategic plan.
- Academic standards:
- reviews and endorses grades in all units owned by the faculty, regardless of the course or courses within which such units are taught (Grading Scales and Awards Policy);
- excludes students from a course for unsatisfactory academic performance or failure to complete an award within time limits (Academic Progress Policy);
- recommends to University Academic Board (or delegate) the conferring of academic awards in accordance with University policy.
- Courses and curriculum:
- approves curriculum developments and discontinuations in accordance with policy for curriculum development and approval (Curriculum Approval and Course Review Policy);
- endorses course accreditation/re-accreditation proposals for submission to Curriculum Standards Committee (Curriculum Approval and Course Review Policy);
- approves non-award study within its faculty (Non-award Study Policy).
- Learning and teaching:
- oversees the learning and teaching activities of the faculty, including the quality assurance of matters related to teaching within the faculty's jurisdiction (Admission of Students Policy);
- assures good learning and teaching and assessment practices within the faculty, in accordance with University policy;
- monitors academic integrity issues relevant to disciplines within the faculty.
- Research and research training:
- oversees the research activities of the faculty, including the quality assurance of matters related to research within the faculty's jurisdiction;
- makes recommendations to Research Degrees Committee on matters regarding the admission, supervision and examination of research higher degree students (Research Degrees Committee Charter).
- International and engagement:
- oversees the engagement and the international activities of the faculty consistent with the faculty strategic plan;
- identifies strategies and formal mechanisms for engagement with students of the faculty and with the professional communities and industries which the faculty serves, and receives reports on those engagement activities.
- Other matters:
- establishes, on delegated authority of Council through Council Procedure 1 - Committee Operations, faculty committees as it deems necessary or convenient to fulfil its responsibilities, and determines the constitution of such committees, including membership, terms of reference, reporting requirements and communication channels;
- considers matters referred to it by Council, University Academic Board, the Vice-Chancellor and President, the Executive Dean of the faculty, Executive Director, QUT College, or members.
Top of PageSection 4 - Delegations
(4) A faculty academic board may delegate responsibilities relating to individual student matters to the Chair of the board or to a committee appointed by the board.
(5) Refer to Register of Authorities and Delegations (C030, C098, C099, VC200, C104, C153, C131, C136) (QUT staff access only).
Top of PageSection 5 - Membership
(6) Membership categories:
- Executive Dean of faculty ex officio as Chair;
- Deputy Dean of faculty, ex officio;
- Associate Deans of faculty, ex officio;
- Heads of School or equivalent within the faculty ex officio;
- One member of the academic staff (other than the Head of School/Portfolio Director) from each school/portfolio, elected by the academic staff of the school/portfolio;
- Two students (one undergraduate and one postgraduate) nominated by the Chair following an expression of interest process conducted by the faculty;
- At least one sessional academic staff member.
(7) At its discretion the faculty academic board may appoint up to two additional members (for example, a member of Alumni who is not a staff member or student of the University, or an external member drawn from the professions).
(8) Where a faculty has a need for more than two additional members, (for example, due to requirements for depth of discipline expertise and representation), a special case may be made to the Provost/Senior Deputy Vice-Chancellor. Any such special membership provisions will be reviewed as part of the self-assessment review.
(9) For QUT College the Chair is the Executive Director, QUT College ex officio.
Top of PageSection 6 - Meeting Frequency
(10) Faculty Academic Boards meet at least four times a year.
Top of PageSection 7 - Reporting and Communication
(11) Faculty Academic Boards report to University Academic Board on approved curriculum developments (Curriculum Approval and Course Review Policy) and on learning and teaching, research, and research training as determined by University Academic Board.
Top of PageSection 8 - Procedures
(12) Faculty Academic Boards are established in accordance with the University Committee Governance Policy (Section 5) and operate in accordance with Council Procedure 1 - Committee Operations. This includes two year terms of membership, aligned with university committees, and self-assessment review before the conclusion of the two year term.
Top of PageSection 9 - Secretariat
(13) The secretary is nominated by the Executive Dean/Executive Director, QUT College and will usually be the Director of Operations, Executive Officer or other suitably experienced staff member.